She tried for her usual confident tone, but only succeeded in sounding gruff, even to her own ears. She hissed in a breath and his eyes met hers. "But, as I was saying, I was most dreadfully frightened on the night of the robbery! Though so young at the time, I remember every circumstance distinctly. " "By those who've conspired with me?" "No! by those who've entrapped you! You've long eluded our vigilance; but we've caught you at last!" "Damnation!" exclaimed the woollen-draper; "that I should be the dupe of such a miserable artifice!" "It's no use lamenting now, Captain! You ought rather to be obliged to us for allowing you to pay this visit. " "Lord bless us!" ejaculated Wood, "how shocking! No, I did not know that. She stared at his pleading face.
This video was uploaded to on 05-10-2024 11:30:43